Well Habicht
WELL HABICHT (German, 1884-1966)
„Bunter Scherenschnitt“ (Coloured Scissorcut), 1918
Collage on paper.
Well Habicht worked as a sculptor in Darmstadt, Germany.
He was one of the first members of the Group „Die Darmstaedter Sezession“.
In a review of the „Herbstausstellung 1921“ (Autumnexhibition 1921) of the „Darmstaedter Sezession“ his sculptures are
described as follows:
„Neben ihm [Carl Gunschmann] hielt sich gut Well Habicht, ein ernster, emsiger Schaffer mit größter Gediegenheit des Handwerklichen, intellektuell ganz ungebrochen. Seine Arbeiten („Kniende“, „Jüngling“) haben die schöne Ruhe des Naturhaflen, die hohe Qualität absoluter Ehrlichkeit, eine unverkennbare, echte
Naivität des Ausdruckshaften und die absichts- lose Einfachheit gewachsener Gebärden. “ Habichts coloured scissorcuts are mentioned in C. Mierendorffs, H. Schiebelhuths and Wuerths expressionist periodical
“Die Dachstube“ (The Garret) , Darmstadt, 1918. It is obvious, that the scissorcut is a sculptors work because it
is strongly focused on the form. In 1928, Habicht was awarded the famous „Georg-Büchner- Preis“
(Georg Büchner medal) for outstanding artistic achievement.
He became well known for his work at the „Hessische Keramische Manufaktur AG.“, Darmstadt, Germany.
Naivität des Ausdruckshaften und die absichts- lose Einfachheit gewachsener Gebärden. “ Habichts coloured scissorcuts are mentioned in C. Mierendorffs, H. Schiebelhuths and Wuerths expressionist periodical
“Die Dachstube“ (The Garret) , Darmstadt, 1918. It is obvious, that the scissorcut is a sculptors work because it
is strongly focused on the form. In 1928, Habicht was awarded the famous „Georg-Büchner- Preis“
(Georg Büchner medal) for outstanding artistic achievement.
He became well known for his work at the „Hessische Keramische Manufaktur AG.“, Darmstadt, Germany.